How to Improve Your Quant Score for MBA Admissions

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How to Improve Your Quant Score for MBA Admissions

The quantitative section of the GMAT  is a critical component for MBA admissions, as it tests your ability to reason mathematically, solve quantitative problems, and interpret graphical data.  This is true, even if you’re not going into an area like accounting or finance.  You still need to be able to keep up with the classes in a competitive MBA program that deal with numbers, and as any business owner knows, you need to be able to understand what’s behind your company’s performance.

Therefore, a strong quant score can significantly boost your MBA application’s changes, making you a more competitive candidate. Here are some strategies you might want to consider if you’re applying for an MBA this year!

1. Understand the Basics

Before diving into complex problems, ensure you have a solid grasp of basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and word problems. Fundamental concepts form the foundation upon which more advanced questions are built. Use resources like high school math textbooks or online tutorials to review these areas.

2. Use Official GMAT Prep Materials

The best way to prepare for the GMAT quant section is to practice with official GMAT prep materials. These materials are designed by the test makers and closely mirror the actual exam in terms of difficulty and question types. The Official Guide for GMAT Review, along with GMATPrep software, provides a wealth of practice questions and mock tests.

3. Take Diagnostic Tests

Start your preparation with a diagnostic test to assess your current level. This will help identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your study efforts where they are needed most. Take full-length practice tests under timed conditions to simulate the real exam experience.

4. Develop a Study Plan

Create a structured study plan that covers all the topics tested in the quant section. Allocate more time to areas where you are weak, but don’t neglect your strengths. Consistency is key; aim to study a little each day rather than cramming in the days leading up to the test.

5. Learn Time Management

The GMAT quant section is not only about solving problems correctly but also about doing so within a limited time. Practice working under timed conditions to improve your speed and accuracy. Learn to quickly identify and skip questions that are too time-consuming, returning to them if you have time at the end.

6. Review and Analyze Your Mistakes

Carefully review the questions you get wrong and understand why you made mistakes. This analysis is crucial for improvement. Look for patterns in your errors, such as specific types of questions or common traps you fall into, and work on strategies to avoid them.

7. Focus on Data Sufficiency Questions

Data sufficiency questions are unique to the GMAT and can be particularly challenging. These questions require a different approach than standard problem-solving questions. Practice these extensively and develop a clear strategy for deciding when sufficient information is provided to answer the question.

8. Enhance Mental Math Skills

Strong mental math skills can save valuable time during the test. Practice doing calculations in your head or with minimal use of scratch paper. Familiarize yourself with common mathematical shortcuts and tricks to improve your efficiency.

9. Utilize Online Resources and Forums

Online platforms like GMAT Club, Beat The GMAT, and various GMAT prep blogs offer a wealth of information, including practice questions, study tips, and explanations. Engaging with these communities can provide additional insights and support from fellow test-takers.

10. Consider Professional Tutoring

If self-study isn’t yielding the desired results, consider investing in a professional tutor or a GMAT prep course. These options can provide personalized guidance, structured lessons, and additional resources to help you improve your quant score.

11. Stay Positive and Confident

Finally, maintaining a positive attitude and confidence in your abilities is essential. The GMAT is a challenging test, but with diligent preparation and the right strategies, you can achieve a high quant score. Remember, improvement takes time, so be patient and persistent.

By following these strategies, you can enhance your quantitative skills and increase your chances of a successful MBA application.

Want more bespoke strategy consulting and help with your MBA or EMBA application this year?  I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard grad and run the NYC based MBA admissions firm MBA IVY LEAGUE.  Contant me today for a free initial consultation and get into the school of your dreams!

Take a look at my additional MBA + EMBA articles as well for more free tips and advice, including:

  1. The Top MBA Programs in NYC
  2. How To Write Wharton’s EMBA Prompts
  3. MBA or EMBA? Which Degree is Right For You?
  4. How To Write A Powerful MBA Personal Statement
  5. Can a MBA Help Your Tech Career?

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