Interested in a Top EMBA Program? What You Need to Know

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So, you’re interested in an EMBA degree. How do you know though if you’re right for an EMBA degree versus a regular, full-time MBA program? Obviously, the better the school the better your future professional career, and graduating from a top EMBA program like Kellogg, MIT Sloan, or Columbia University’s joint-EMBA with the London School of Business means you’ll be headed for success in your field.

You have experience, solid experience, and that’s what makes the EMBA different from those with only 3-4 years lower level experience who are applying for a regular MBA. In other words, if you’re even thinking about an EMBA – an Executive MBA – you are already at the top of your game; the higher reaches of your career.  You are already at an executive level within a known-name firm, or perhaps you’re a very successful entrepreneur with your own company, and you have the drive and ambition to push your vision even further.

The following is what the top EMBA programs look for in a candidate:  solid, committed professionals who have strong and proven experience in their industry, that they can bring to the table.

An EMBA degree is all about forming connections – putting the best of the best in the same room, so strategies can be shared, ideas brainstormed, future business plans made, and networks shared.  The EMBA is more than just a degree where the meat of what you learn comes from a professor or from a case study or book.  The EMBA is a place where you are interacting and associating with a group of extremely impressive and successful peers – classmates who are already at the highest levels of their career and now want to go higher.

An EMBA, especially from a top school can put you there.  The degree is an experience that helps fill in any gaps in your business education; that gives you a credential that perhaps is now necessary for you to move up in your company or firm.  It is meant as a platform from which you can jump off even higher in the business world.  It’s meant for leaders who still fully intend to be a part of their current company and business growth full-time.

So, again, the top EMBA programs for 2015:  Wharton, Booth, Kellogg, Columbia, NYU Stern, and Fuqua, just to name a few (and, again, Columbia’s joint program with LBS (London School of Business) makes it one of the best in my opinion, as you get incredibly interesting global experience and the ability to form serious contacts in both NY and London).

In summary, the EMBA is a serious degree that can make a serious difference.

[I’m a former Harvard interviewer and a Harvard grad, and currently run the MBA & EMBA consulting firm: MBA IVY out of Manhattan. Contact me for a free consultation today!]

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